Everyday Prayers for Joy
Do you wake up feeling burdened by your life circumstances? Have you read the verses in the Bible that tell you to not be anxious and that you can find joy in Jesus, but you aren’t quite sure what that means or how to accomplish it.
If this describes you, know that you are not alone! I completely understand this daily battle to fight for joy!
As we go through this 30 day devotional journal together you will discover:
- What the source of our joy should be. What God’s purpose is in our suffering.
- How, even in the darkest of times, we can have Biblical joy.
- And, one of my favorite parts of this book is the study of the “Prayer of Lament” and how it relates to Biblical Joy.
Purchase Everyday Prayers for Joy wherever books are sold!
It was only a few years ago, after God ushered my family and I into a long season of loss and unknowns, that I became desperate and began to cry out to God to show me how to find daily joy in Him. I knew that God wanted me to learn His definition of joy. Not merely an intellectual knowledge of the definition, but He wanted joy to be my heart and soul’s down deep experience. He wanted me to experience Biblical joy.
I will be honest with you, I am still in a season of loss and unknowns, but the truths that God has been revealing to me during these difficult days have been a lifeline for me. He has been teaching me what it means to cling to Him and to find Joy in Him and His promises even when my circumstances are confusing, hurtful, and heartbreaking.
As I wrote Everyday Prayers for Joy, God continued to reveal Himself through His Word, giving example after example of people that have gone before us, and who chose to cry out to Him, fixing their eyes on Him and finding joy in their God. Studying these passages opened my eyes to what it means to have Biblical Joy and God continues, to this day, to teach me what this means.
My prayer is, as you read these daily devotions and turn the passages we study into personal prayers, that His Word and truth will come alive and guide you into finding true, Biblical joy.
Free Downloads!

In this free download you will find 15 Prayers of Lament to help you learn how to pray in this most important way. I pray that they will help you process your suffering and anxiety and lead you to a place of hope and Biblical joy.
You can find more prayers of lament in my book: Everyday Prayers for Joy

When a parent finds a good gift, they want to share it with their children. Joy is no exception to that rule, especially true, lasting, biblical joy. Our children will be tempted to find joy in earthly things (aren’t we?). It’s up to us as parents to show them that true joy is only found in Christ. In this free download to you will learn how to intentionally teach your children how they can experience biblical joy!
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About the Author
Gina is a writer, author, and has been married for 32 years to Brian, a college professor and athletic trainer. For 25+ years she and her husband served on a Christian college campus as the on-campus parents, where Brian was a professor and dean of students. They reside right outside of Washington DC and are the parents of two grown children, one daughter-in-law and one son-in-law. Now an empty-nester, Gina has transitioned her ministry from full-time mom and part-time writer, to being a mom who is available to her adult children as much as they need her and writing as much as she can.