Joy. It became my word a few years ago after God ushered my family and me into a season of very difficult circumstances. It happened one night when I couldn’t sleep. I quietly tiptoed out to our living room, sat on the couch, and wrapped myself in a warm blanket. The only light in the room came from three letters that sat on a shelf: “J-O-Y.” As I sat there, I reflected on what a long, difficult season we were in. That night, I knew that God wanted me to learn His definition of joy. Not merely an intellectual knowledge of the definition. He wanted joy to be my heart and soul’s down-deep experience. He wanted me to experience Biblical joy.

Biblical joy is not something that comes and goes; it is not dictated by our circumstances. Biblical joy is something that exists even when we are suffering or going through a heavy trial. In Everyday Prayers for Joy: A 30-Day Devotional & Reflective Journal for Women, you will learn what it means to find Biblical joy in God’s Word & the promises He has given us there!

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