Free Downloads!

50 Ways to Teach Your Children About Biblical Joy

When a parent finds a good gift, they always want to share it with their children. Joy is no exception to that rule, especially true, lasting, biblical joy. Our children will be tempted to find joy in earthly things (aren’t we?). It’s up to us as parents to show them that true joy is only found in Christ.

I am offering you this free download to help you intentionally teach your children so that they can experience biblical joy!

A Free Book For YOU!

As parents we can be tempted to look for methods of parenting, when what we really need is principles. The principles found in “Grace Gifts” can be carried out a hundred different ways. They can actually be custom-fit to your particular family. “Grace Gifts” is a short book, is perfect for busy moms, and is filled with ideas and practical ways that can help your children understand God’s grace. It is one of those books you will want to reference over and over again.

Download “Grace Gifts: Practical Ways to Help Your Children Understand God’s Grace”

15 Prayers of Lament

When I was younger, I thought I would have reached a level of maturity and strength by the time I entered the later seasons of life. The reality is that I have actually experienced the opposite. Life, time, and God have revealed how weak I am and how very much I need His strength each day. I am acutely aware of how much I have to be grateful for, but aging has brought with it different types of suffering—health issues, loss of loved ones, broken relationships, disappointments, and even some disillusionment. We all experience similar challenges this side of heaven. Life is not the way God originally intended it to be. So how do we deal with hardships in this life?

The “Prayer of Lament”

Until recently, I’d never paid much attention to the prayers of lament in the Bible, or had any idea how to use them in my prayer life. I wasn’t aware of how vital this tool can be in helping to process suffering, and was missing out on the experience of going to the one who loves me most and can actually heal my heart. After some study, I discovered that lamenting is the way we come to God when life is overwhelming and we feel anxious and in a state of despair.

In the book of Psalms we see this type of prayer when the writer is facing anxiety or despair. We see him crying out to God for deliverance from something particular he’s suffering. Often the writer lists his complaints, describes his suffering, and cries out to God for help. In the New Testament, Jesus gave us an example of lamenting when He bore the burden of dying a horrific death on a cross to pay the penalty for the sins of the world. In Mark 15:34 and Matthew 27:46 (which is a quotation from Psalm 22:1) we read, “Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which is translated, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’” 

In this free download you will find 15 Prayers of Lament to help you learn how to pray in this most important way.  I pray that they will help you process your suffering and anxiety and lead you to a place of hope and Biblical joy.

You can find more prayers of lament in my book:  Everyday Prayers for Joy