
As someone who is officially a part of the “older generation”, my desire is to proclaim to the younger generation that God is faithful and to strengthen your hand in God by directing your attention away from me and onto Jesus, the gospel, and God’s amazing, amazing grace. For there is where your answers, strength, and hope lie – no matter what season you are in! I love coming alongside those who are coming behind me, to help them find strength in God , to proclaim God’s faithfulness , to encourage one another, to help each other persevere, one day at a time!


Joy. It became my word a few years ago after God ushered my family and me into a season of very difficult circumstances. It happened one night when I couldn’t sleep. I quietly tiptoed out to our living room, sat on the couch, and wrapped myself in a warm blanket. The only light in the room came from three letters that sat on a shelf: “J-O-Y.” As I sat there, I reflected on what a long, difficult season we were in. That night, I knew that God wanted me to learn His definition of joy. Not merely an intellectual knowledge of the definition. He wanted joy to be my heart and soul’s down-deep experience. He wanted me to experience Biblical joy.

Biblical joy is not something that comes and goes; it is not dictated by our circumstances. Biblical joy is something that exists even when we are suffering or going through a heavy trial. In Everyday Prayers for Joy: A 30-Day Devotional & Reflective Journal for Women, you will learn what it means to find Biblical joy in God’s Word & the promises He has given us there!

Purchase your copy at the following:





He’s a middle child and is very sensitive. Something happened that hurt his feelings, so I pulled him as close as I possibly could and tried to comfort him. He is so precious. His mom snapped this photo and sent it to me later. I love it! In many ways I am just like him….

Having Babies Changes You

Having Babies Changes You

I have experienced many emotions, as I’ve watched my daughter become a mama this summer. I have felt excitement for her as I watch her care for her own precious daughter, and encouragement to see she and her husband step up and take on this new season of life together. I remember the days when…

The Knot

The Knot

Monday morning…It is early morning, and the faint sound of the coffee grinder draws me into a new day until I am fully awakened. I open my eyes and lay there quietly, taking the time to get my bearings. Slowly I remember what day it is and what I have scheduled, and then the concerns…



Every person is born with a clean slate. We move slowly forward, making choices and learning as we go. Making mistakes. Sinning. Battling fear. Yet, if we make the time to take a bird’s eye view, we will see that, even though there have been those dark place in our lives, there is also someone…

A New Thing

A New Thing

The enemy keeps telling us that we don’t fit in anywhere, we aren’t good enough, there’s not a place for us, that we are failures & we’ve failed as parents. He is relentless as he tries to convince us that it’s too late & that God has forgotten us. We are finding hope in these…