So many hopes and dreams. They started as small seeds planted. Anticipating. Dreaming. Praying…almost losing hope.

Now I am older and they are still there…those dreams. Yes. They are still there. Some have come to fruition, some are in process.Confusion sometimes enters in, then the dreams seem distorted and out of place. A storm swirling, blowing those dreams away. And there is fear. Fear that if I let go, I will lose control. Fear that if I share my dreams, if they become words that spill out into the ears of others, they will suddenly seem foolish. Small. Insignificant. Then what will I have? What will I have if they were foolish, small, and insignificant? What if they are? If they are, then I will wither up and blow away in the wind. Yes. That’s what I’ll do…it seems.

Tears well up. Heart is pounding. If I let go…If I let go…I’ll lose! Yet He pulls at my heart. Waiting patiently. Pulling. Drawing. The Power that cannot be ignored or resisted. The ever present Force that whispers…

“I am the One who created them. I made them up. I planted those seeds in the heart of a little girl. I have made them grow and come to fruition. Some of them are still in process. Sometimes they seem distorted and seem out of reach, but don’t forget that the dreams you have… the hopes and longings are found right in Me. They originated with Me. They are found right inside your home. In the people I have given you. In those who show up at your door. They are present in the now, and in the future. Just give Me everything that is you. I will take care of the rest. I promise.”

Yes. I am ready. They have always been His. I pour them out into His open hands. They don’t grow in my clenched fists anyway. They are poured out, and I rub my hands together and make sure none are left. I brush the seeds off my shirt and pants, yet none of them fall to the ground unnoticed. They all manage to land right in His hands.

I stand there. I wait. I hope. Anticipating. Wondering about them. Praying and praying….never losing hope. Waiting for the perfect timing. Not my timing. Not the timing other’s anticipate or dictated. Not done in the way the world or others say it should be done. Just waiting on the One who created my gifts and abilities…the Creator of the world. Thankful for all that has come to fruition.
Never losing hope.

Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare.Psalm 40: 5

For I know the plans I have for you.” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.Jeremiah 29:11

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