I have been thinking recently about how God has given us the ability to adjust to change. Even those life changes that we don’t think we are going to be able to make it through, God enables us to adjust!

A friend reached out to me recently and shared about one of the hardest life changes that she is experiencing right now. The kind of life change that keeps you up at night and brings with it tears and grief. This particular change is one that I’ve gone through and have adjusted to.

I sit here, in this season of life, with a granddaughter who FaceTimes me at breakfast time so I can sing “Good Morning to You!” to her ❤️ & who loves to take selfies with me, a husband of 35 years who I love growing old with, 2 amazing adult children and 2 “kids-in-law” that I am crazy about. We’ve lost 3 of our 4 parents, gone through the loss of a ministry, the pain of being judged unfairly, and a difficult church change. We’ve had precious friends move away and have felt the pain that comes when some friends don’t need us anymore.

With each change—we are changed. We carry with us the heartache and the growth that comes with each of these changes. If we lean into the changes, and into the God that allows them to happen, we are given a beautiful gift:

The ability to adjust to change.

And we are given ANOTHER opportunity to:
❤️persevere in our faith,
❤️fight for biblical joy,
❤️make ourselves available for what God wants to do in and through the change, and
❤️tell anyone who will listen that GOD IS FAITHFUL!

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