Monday morning…It is early morning, and the faint sound of the coffee grinder draws me into a new day until I am fully awakened. I open my eyes and lay there quietly, taking the time to get my bearings. Slowly I remember what day it is and what I have scheduled, and then the concerns & burdens of the season we are in make their way into my thoughts and move into my stomach, forming that all too familiar knot that has been present for as long as I can remember.

I am pretty sure this knot of fear and anxiety has been a part of who I am since the day I was born. That quiet, internal battle that no one ever saw — that no one ever sees. Yet, it is what has caused me to run into the arms of a patient, loving, Heavenly Father who loved me unconditionally. I knew I would be safe there when I did not feel safe or loved unconditionally anywhere else.

That knot has caused me to turn my face away from the chaos of the moment and look to God and his Word to find out how I can rise above the concerns and burdens of the day and enter a head and heart space of finding comfort and joy in the unseen things of God.

God gently places his hand on my shoulder and whispers:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”( Isaiah 41:10)

And even though I sometimes still feel like 3 year old me (pictured in the photo!), 60 year old me has learned to stay close to her Heavenly Father, allowing that knot to be a reminder that I am safest when I am in his presence –that He will show me the path of life; In His presence is fullness of joy; In His right hand there are pleasures forevermore. (Psalm 16:11)

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